The Basics of Bathroom Plumbing
Bathroom plumbing is something that needs to be considered seriously and which needs to be repaired as soon as possible. Not only does a bathroom look bad if the plumbing is not working properly but it can also be extremely dangerous. If you are in charge of bathroom plumbing for a residential property then there is no excuse for neglecting this important task. Here we will give you some tips on how to deal with bathroom plumbing problems.
It is really useful to arm yourself with a bit of knowledge about how everything in your bathroom functions. It helps you when renovating or remodelling your bathroom but even more importantly, it’s also great to know if anything begins to go wrong with your bathroom plumbing as well. One of the first things you should do if you discover a problem with your bathroom plumbing is to contact a reputable bathroom plumbing company as they will be able to advise you on the best way forward.
The most common bathroom plumbing problems are leaks and clogs caused by faulty drainage fixtures, faulty float valves and faulty shower heads. One of the easiest things to fix is a clog in your bathroom plumbing line. This is actually pretty easy to rectify. The first thing you need to do is turn off the main water supply to the bathroom and then lower the bathtub basin and shower down to the ground. Now, get some deep soaking bathtub fixtures from the bathroom supplier and place them in the sink of the bathroom.
There are lots of bathroom plumbing ideas floating around on the Internet, so you might want to search through them and find some bathroom plumbing problems pictures or images to identify what is causing the problem. Once you have identified the problem then you can start replacing the clogged pipes with new ones. Some bathroom plumbing problems can actually be fixed with a few household items such as baking soda and a few household bits. Other bathroom plumbing problems are more complex such as the use of metal and copper pipes.
Some bathroom fittings consist of copper and gold plated brass work. If you want to give your bathroom a modern and stylish look then it may be a great way to replace your bathroom plumbing with brass or copper bathroom fittings. Also, bathroom fittings such as bathroom sinks, bathroom tubs and bathroom showers are now available in a wide range of colors and materials. It is now possible to install a bathroom sink that imitates a stone counter top without having to spend a lot of money.
If your bathroom is quite small then installing a loft bathroom is a great way to make up for the space that you have. You can also install an exhaust fan in your loft bathroom for even more storage. Installing new bathroom plumbing and fittings is a great way to make up for a bathroom that is not so large. The most popular bathroom plumbing solution is to replace the traditional plumbing with a new bathroom fixture. Most plumbing fixtures will come with the same basic components; the main components are the toilet, drain, waste and shower heads.
A bathroom in a basement requires a different set of drainage pipes compared to a bathroom in the same area with a high ceiling. There are many different types of bathroom fixtures that can be installed in a basement bathroom, and there are many ways to increase storage space in a basement bathroom. If your bathroom is dark then adding a light fixture on the wall behind the toilet is a simple way to brighten up the bathroom. The bathroom drain is connected to the main sewer line, so in most cases the plumbing is not too complicated. In some basements, however, old or damaged sewage lines may be present, and these pipes must be repaired or replaced before any plumbing work can begin. Another alternative to installing new bathroom plumbing in a basement bathroom is to use existing plumbing and extend plumbing located in the bathroom to create an additional bathroom.
Most drains and vent lines originate in the bathroom on the left side, following the direction of bathroom walls. In older homes, the vertical vent lines usually connect directly to waste water lines, while horizontal pipe connections are more common in newer homes. Vertical vent lines often lead to open vented pipes which are endless; open vented bathroom plumbing has fewer problems associated with moisture than do the closed, vented pipes. The drain lines and waste line are often connected to bathroom plumbing with a flexible hose joint; the flexible hoses are designed to flex easily to maintain adequate flow rates and to prevent leaks.