What Are the Things That Are Considered “Unusual” Home Improvements?
The best way to describe what a Priceless Basement Is: A basement that you can call priceless due to the fact that it’s actually worth something. I recently read an article on the internet titled “Priceless Basements: How To Buy and Fix Them Properly” by Jon Miller, which was all about how people overlook the benefits of owning a locally owned construction business. The author contends that people are more apt to spend a couple hundred dollars on a few contractors and then neglect the basement, thinking it will just cost them thousands later. Jon Miller however, has a very interesting and compelling argument, which I’d like to expand on in this article.
Jon Miller states: “A few hundred dollars spent today on a few contractors can prevent thousands tomorrow because your home’s value has dropped, or because a hail storm has caused water damage caused the roof to leak, and mold has started to grow. You may also save money because you no longer have to pay for home repairs caused by a leaky roof, because you can now call a company that specializes in water damage restoration and they’ll fix the problem for you.” This is very good advice, because this is what I would call priceless home improvements. Although the repair itself isn’t that pricey, you may still end up saving thousands down the road because you no longer have to replace your damaged ceiling or carpet, because a local company will be able to properly dry out your home so that you won’t have to incur labor costs re-roofing your home just to get rid of water spots.
A few years ago, I had a horrible experience with a local company that specialized in full roof replacement. The entire roof started to collapse when it was four days old, and I was completely unprepared for such an event. Luckily I wasn’t home at the time, but I received a phone call from my insurance company the next day confirming that I would need to get a full roof replacement. Fortunately the damage was minor, and I live in New York City, so all the damage was fixed on the day of the inspection.
There’s nothing worse than being in a situation where your home needs immediate repair, only to learn later that you need a full roof replacement. This is when the stress levels begin to spiral upward. If you live in the Washington DC suburbs, you’re lucky because most of the time you won’t need to worry about your home insurance company or the contractor you hired. However, even if you live in New York City, or another mid-size city, you should still be concerned with hiring a roofing contractor. Let’s discuss some of the more common problems associated with this type of home improvement:
– Water Spouts. No one enjoys having to deal with a burst water pipe, but it’s a reality for anyone living in a metropolitan area. Regardless, of where in the city you live, there will be a high concentration of storm water runoff. This untreated water can contain toxic chemicals and pollutants that can enter your home through cracks in the foundation or seep up through the roof.
– Insects. It’s not unusual to find yourself waking up in the middle of the night, scratching your head in confusion as you rake your belongings into the living room. Chances are, your house insurance company won’t cover the damages caused by heavy insects. An inspection by a professional pest control company can determine what type of insect infestation exists and recommend proper eradication methods.
– Bad Weather. Even though your home is structurally sound, an unexpected downpour can still cause considerable damage. If the weather is particularly bad on the day of the inspection, call your insurance company first and have them check the roof for leaks. If the damage is minor, it will be repaired and your home will be live in again.
– Aging. We age, and our homes are no exception. Your home improvement company can check your home for any signs of deterioration and tell you whether any repairs are necessary. While it can be tempting to leave everything untouched as your home ages, it’s best to make small fixes and avoid major renovations when possible. Even better – start making those small improvements now!